Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentines Day

Now lets face it, paying the mortgage, doing the grocery shopping and getting clothes on your back is important. Top priorities and in these cash strapped times, things like spending on Valentines may seem frivolous. Lets look at that a bit closer. Showing someone you love them can be done in so many ways, a look, a touch, and a gift are amongst them. Flowers die, chocolates make you fat and rot your teeth, but an experience can live in your memory forever. 

This Valentines day, make your loved one excited and happy and hopefully satisfied by trying something on their sexual bucket list. It may be a new toy, a new position or something little out of the ordinary you know they have been wanting to try out. 

A new toy is a gift that keeps on giving unlike other more traditional V day gifts. A recent newspaper article from England says that there is record spending on sex toys this year in the UK especially for Valentines Day.

No significant other this year, then treat yourself to something new, don't miss out on the fun. loving yourself is important for your health both mental and physical. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this! Girls don't want food or silly flowers. You can buy them any time of the year. We all know V-day is about guaranteed sex. And the males are slowly getting the hint - i bet all the sex shops in the UK are going to be filled with male partners desperately trying to choose which toy is best for Valentines day.
